Mr. Ishii joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) in 1981. Since joining MOFA, he has held various overseas posts in China (Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong), Australia, Philippines, and the Netherlands. In his positions in Tokyo, most of his work concentrated on East Asia, economic cooperation and international analysis. In April 2015, Mr. Ishii became a Principal Research Director/Principal Fellow of IGES. He is chiefly involved in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership (Japan-CLP).
1. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were finally adopted at the UN Summit in late September after a series of lengthy negotiations. The SDGs mark a milestone in that they are expected to be more universal, transformational and inclusive than the former Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The critical question now is how effectively can these universal, transformational and inclusive goals be implemented? In these brief remarks, I will focus on SDG implementation.
2. In reflecting on implementation, we must confront challenges familiar to international development, such as lack of basic capacity, poor governance and inadequate finance. I am interested in how governments and other stakeholders, including the private sector and civil societies can work together to overcome these challenges. In short, we need to know what will be the most appropriate course to close implementation gaps for each goal and target.
3. Of course, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Different countries will need to tailor approaches to varying circumstances. At the same time, I would suggest putting focus on integrated approaches to governance that capitalize on synergies between the goals will help support SDGs implementation. In aiming to capture these synergies, we need to stress that the international community can play a vital role by combining financial support with capacity building that aims coordination across and within sectors. SDGs implementation will also provide good opportunities for to work across multiple stakeholders, especially for companies to expand markets and create better jobs.
4. Since 1989, the Institute for Global Environment Strategies has been acting as ‘Agent of Change’ that conducts practical research with the intent of realizing sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific and beyond. We were actively involved in launching the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Japan in July. We have now begun building partnership with businesses to serve as a secretariat for Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (J-CLP) and to join Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ). We have also promoted a concept of 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to join the Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific and revalued some aspects of our traditional way of lifestyle.
5. We would like to further strengthen cooperation with different stakeholders for realizing effective implementation of SDGs. The next round of International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific hosted by our Institute will be held in July 2016. The tentative title will be Mobilizing Knowledge for Sustainability: Action towards 2030. We hope many other ‘Agents of Change’ from the region who share the same visions for sustainability will join this important conference.
Ron is the Managing Director of the Advanced Energy Centre at the MaRS Discovery District. The Advanced Energy Centre (AEC) collaborates with a diverse set of partners to foster the adoption of innovative energy technologies in Ontario and Canada, and leverage those successes and experiences into international markets. Under Ron’s leadership, the Centre is convening energy players in a unique way. At the AEC, Ron and his team provide a forum in which energy players can speak openly, think deeply, ask the hard questions and co-create innovative solutions to complex, system-wide challenges. In doing so, the Centre is helping energy systems become more cost effective, reliable and resilient to change and opportunity. Ron was previously the President and CEO of ENBALA Power Networks, a smart grid technology company that offers grid optimization services to utilities and system operators to increase the overall efficiency and reliability of the power system. Ron is viewed as a thought-leader on innovation opportunities that lie within the evolution of the modern power system. Based on his well-respected perspective on the smart grid, he was recruited to the executive committee of the board for the Ontario Energy Association and the Association for Demand Response and Smart Grid. He was also elected chair of the Corporate Partners Committee of the Ontario Smart Grid Forum. Mr. Dizy passionately believes that there are tremendous opportunities for both utilities and energy users to adopt innovative energy technologies – many of which already exist. Increased adoption of energy innovation will improve cost effectiveness, reliability and the resiliency of modern energy systems. His focus is on removing barriers to adoption, which are largely non-technical. Rather, barriers are human- they are by-products of a system that is complex, regulated and often fragmented. His entire career has been focused on bringing new technologies to evolving markets, including spending nearly ten years as a venture capitalist (both as a direct investor and as a pension fund manager), co-founding a company specializing in artificial intelligence and gathering experience in major consulting firms. Ron holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Industry Affiliations
Awards (Partial)
The Advanced Energy Centre’s mission is to foster the adoption of innovative energy technologies and leverage Canadian energy innovation into international markets. This presentation will discuss some of the most interesting elements of innovation in the Green Economy, including the policy and technology innovation drivers behind change. Through a comparison between California and Germany, this presentation draws conclusions around how markets can best facilitate the adoption of innovation by aligning key actors, building capacity, developing policy and adopting technical solutions. The presentation will explore the core thesis that if utilities and policymakers do not plan for change, they will have unpredictable and potentially detrimental results.
Daigee Shaw, Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, specialized in economic analysis and policy analysis related to natural resources, environmental quality, and sustainability issues. Dr. Shaw has served as President of Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research from 2006 to 2011, President of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics during 2012 and 2013, and President of the Chinese Regional Science Association-Taiwan from 2011 to 2013. He currently is serving as President of the Taiwan Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Dr. Shaw is also Professor in National Cheng-Chi University and National Taipei University in Taiwan, and Xi'an Jiaotong University in China. Dr. Shaw has published many articles in a number of professional journals, including American Economic Review, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Natural Hazards, Energy Policy, and Risk Analysis. Dr. Shaw won the Ministry of Education Academic Award for Distinguished Scholarship in 1995. He received his Ph.D. in resource policy, economics and management from the University of Michigan in 1985.
He also works the City of Rotterdam where he has worked on various projects ranging from Urban Energy and water systems, planting schemes, the Museumpark, urban metabolism and citywide, densification, adaptation and mitigation plans. At the moment he is Cityleader and EU representative of the World Council on City Data in Toronto, the global registry for ISO37120 on city indicators, where he links international and local city data to challenges in cities for informed decision making. He is a senior fellow of the global cities institute of the University of Toronto and representative of the German Marshall Fund in Washington DC.
Next to this he is a freelance writer on planting and gardens for garden magazines and is chairman of visitor garden, foundation friends of Rock Garden Ber Slangen.
Resilience and sustainability in Rotterdam
This presentation will be about how Rotterdam is taking resiliency planning beyond flood prevention and management to use water as an asset that improves the quality of parks, neighborhoods, housing, and even transportation systems. Separate projects and plans will be shown how this strategy is unfolding in the city. Next to water, energy is crucial. How can the city benefit from waste heat like in industrial areas and improve the cities’ energy efficiency. Local project examples of houses and neighborhoods as well as networks will be shown. Local and global data are used for informed decision making to drive our urban performance!
Taipei is a city with the majority industry of commerce, service, electronics, and biotechnology. The greenhouse gases emission sources include transportation, residences and commerce, industry, waste management, agriculture, and forestry. Most of the greenhouse gases emissions are from residences and commerce (63%) and transportations (37%). In 2008, in cooperation with the central energy-saving and carbon reduction policy, Taipei City drafted and implemented the Program on Promoting Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction of Taipei City, with the aim of building a low carbon city., the government established 8 main reduction plans, including international exchange, government institutions and schools reduction, residences and commerce reduction, transportation reduction, waste reduction, agriculture and forestry reduction, efficient water usage, and educational propaganda. Moreover, Taipei City actively promotes legislation concerning energy conservation and carbon reduction. In addition to the “Autonomous Regulations on Green Buildings”, the “Autonomous Regulations on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Guidance and Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors of Taipei City” has also been promulgated, which stipulates that the average indoor air-conditioning temperature in business and office areas must remain above 26℃; lighting can only be turned on when the daylight illuminance measured from 18 cm above arcade ground is less than 100 Lux, and the illuminance shall be maintained between 100 lux and 300 lux, in order to minimize unnecessary electricity waste. Furthermore, the government is currently establishing “Lighting Pollution Rules” and “Climate Change and Adaptation Rules”, which not only try to enhance citizens’ living quality but also plan to adapt the impacts of future climate change. By evaluating the sustainability of lands, improving the capability of facilities against disasters, and recovering overdeveloped areas, Taipei is expected to become a more livable city with a stronger flexibility in dealing with climate change. In order to turn Taipei City into a safe, comfortable and ecological city with capacities of flood control, The parks are refitted to improve water retention: permeable road surfaces, underground reservoirs, lawns, ponds help absorb and use peak precipitation, permeable pavements and dry detention basins make the city breathable.
Global warming, climate change, and energy conservation have become worldwide concerned issues. The “New Taipei City Government Health City and Sustainable Development Committee” therefore was established to reform New Taipei City into a prosperous, living friendly, happy and healthy, and LOHAS city.
In response to the impact caused by global climate change, New Taipei City has been dedicated herself in carrying out major projects such as manmade wetlands, city permeability, and urban redevelopment. Furthermore, to achieve the goal of low-carbon city, five strategies were suggested, they are green building, green traffic, green energy, resource recycling, and sustainable environment. New Taipei City received the “Top7 Intelligent Communities of 2014” and Medal of the Compact of Mayors, one of the major worldwide anti-climate change organizations. In the future, New Taipei City will further promote sustainable development under the 5 strategies to achieve the ultimate goal of “green circulating economy”, “low carbon eco-city”, “happiness and safety pursuit society”.